03 May 2023

Your options for CMS as Umbraco 7 reaches end-of-life

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Your options for CMS as Umbraco 7 reaches end-of-life
Ronny RahmanWritten ByRonny Rahman

Ronny is the Senior Front End Developer at Propeller, responsible for the production, modification and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces.

Out with the old…

After 10 years of diligent service, Umbraco has announced the termination of Umbraco 7. From the 30th September, the CMS will no longer be supported with security patches, and Umbraco will no longer recommend hosting sites on this version.


In this article, Propeller considers the history of the retiring CMS and explores the options available for those looking to migrate.

A brief history of Umbraco 7

Umbraco 7 is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage their own websites. It was released in November 2013 and is open source, meaning anyone can use and modify it.

It is known for its flexibility and user-friendly interface, making it popular among both developers and content editors.

When the CMS was released in 2013, there were a few unique features that set it apart from other CMS available at the time. This included a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, built-in support for responsive design and a new drag-and-drop editor.

Umbraco 7 was one of the first CMS to offer built-in search engine optimisation tools, making it easier for website owners to optimise content for search engines.

Overall, Umbraco 7 was a major step forward for the Umbraco CMS, and it established Umbraco as a serious contender in the crowded CMS market.

Why is Umbraco 7 closing?

Umbraco is a software company that is committed to creating high-quality CMS’s that meet the needs of its users. Over the years, the company has elected to terminate past versions of CMSs in order to focus efforts on developing newer and more advanced systems.

Developing and maintaining multiple CMS can be a complex and time-consuming process. It can be difficult to ensure that each system is receiving the attention it deserves. By focusing on a smaller number of CMS, Umbraco ensures that each system is well-supported and well-maintained, which ultimately benefits its users.

In with the new…


There are a range of CMSs available for professional website developers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Here are five CMSs that are popular among professional developers:


If you are completely satisfied with Umbraco CMS, you might want to stick with what you know and get a more updated version. Umbraco offers a flexible and customisable CMS. It is popular among developers who need to create complex websites with advanced content management needs.


WordPress is one of the most popular CMSs in the world and is used by millions of websites. It is known for its ease of use and flexibility, and has a large community of developers who contribute plugins and themes to extend its functionality.


Drupal is a highly customisable CMS that is popular among developers who need to create complex websites with advanced functionality. It has a steep learning curve, but offers a high degree of flexibility and scalability.


The Shopify CMS is designed to make it easy for users to create and manage an online store. It offers features including customisable templates, product management tools, order management tools, and payment processing capabilities.


Shopify Plus is an enterprise-level version of the popular Shopify e-Commerce platform. It offers a more advanced CMS, designed to meet the needs of large and growing businesses.

These are just a few of the many CMSs available to professional website developers, and everyone has their own preferences. We recommend considering a host of options before deciding to change your CMS

Propeller’s services

As a business grows and changes, technology also keeps moving forward. Dozens of brands have worked with Propeller’s experienced development team to replatform and integrate old systems into stronger, scalable and more long-term solutions. This results in increased web traffic and better sales.

Replatforming means the website can continue with its existing functionality, while also allowing for scale. Propeller is proud to support website development and design on WordPress, Drupal and Shopify.

Our specialists have years of experience within these options, and can bring your brand to life on any platform.


We have over 20 years of experience creating unique digital experiences for brands. Our approach to website development fuses creativity, technology and data analysis – giving you the platform you need to reach new audiences and engage your existing customers.

As one door closes, another can be swiftly opened with the help of our web development specialists. Replatforming to WordPress, Drupal and Shopify CMS’s is made simple for brands looking to keep their pages up-to-date.

If you aren’t sure which CMS would suit your brand ambition, speak with a member of our team today to learn more about your options. The end-of-life for Umbraco 7 does not mean the end-of-life for your digital presence.


From the planning and mapping to testing and delivery, to create a fantastic website that delivers results we can help you with:

  • Analysis & Planning
  • Data maps & User flows
  • Digital design & Web builds
  • Wireframe planning & Mapping
  • Mobile & Desktop
  • Web development & Testing

Depending on what you need, our development team builds websites on WordPress, Drupal and Shopify. From brand landing pages to bespoke ecommerce themes, we’ll also ensure that everything is on brand and any third party apps are integrated seamlessly.

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