23 February 2024

How Experimentation in Digital Marketing Leads to Better Performance

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How Experimentation in Digital Marketing Leads to Better Performance
Aurélie BrunetWritten ByAurélie Brunet

As the Director of Performance, Aurélie specialises in creating new business for Propeller through outreach and finding areas in which the company can expand.

Building a culture of experimentation in digital marketing builds an environment where curiosity thrives and progress is made at an accelerated pace. Experimentation is a critical best practice for marketers and more, enabling individuals to understand their target audience at a deeper level.

What Does Experimentation Do?

Marketing experimentation is an approach to generating fresh ideas, testing strategies, identifying your mistakes, optimising campaigns, and making data-informed decisions moving forward.

It can also uncover hidden opportunities for organisations in new markets, segments, or use cases.

Why Should I run experiments on digital marketing?

Here are just a few of the benefits that digital marketing experimentation can bring…

Behavioural insights

Experimentation in digital marketing offers valuable insights into consumer behaviour. By testing different marketing strategies, messages, and user experiences, businesses can understand how their target audience interacts with their brand online. This knowledge enables them to tailor their marketing efforts more effectively, addressing consumer preferences and behaviours to enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Data-driven optimisation

One of the primary benefits of digital marketing experimentation is the ability to make data-driven decisions. Through rigorous testing and analysis of various marketing tactics and channels, businesses can gather actionable data on what works best for their audience. This data-driven approach allows marketers to optimise their campaigns in real time, adjusting strategies based on performance metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs. By continually refining and improving their digital marketing efforts, businesses can maximise ROI and drive sustainable growth.

Sustainable growth

Digital marketing experimentation fosters sustainable growth by enabling businesses to adapt and evolve in a rapidly changing digital landscape. By embracing a culture of experimentation and innovation, organisations can stay ahead of the competition, identify emerging trends, and capitalise on new opportunities. Continuous experimentation allows businesses to test new ideas, refine existing strategies, and pivot quickly in response to market dynamics. This agility and adaptability are essential for long-term success in the digital marketplace, enabling businesses to sustainably grow their customer base, revenue, and market share over time.

Common experimentation targets

Typical areas for experimentation include:

  • Marketing campaigns
  • Subject lines
  • Onboarding flows
  • Landing pages
  • In-app messages 

Additionally, you can delve into more technical facets like conversion paths or software automation for analysis and optimisation.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a powerful technique used in digital marketing to compare different versions of content, designs, or features to determine which one performs better with your target audience. It helps you optimise messaging for both new prospects and existing customers.

By systematically testing variations against each other, businesses can gather valuable insights into consumer preferences and behaviors, ultimately optimising their marketing efforts for improved engagement and conversion rates.

What is it?

A/B testing involves creating two or more versions of a particular element, such as an email subject line, website layout, or call-to-action button, with one key difference between them. This difference could be anything from wording and color scheme to layout and imagery. The versions are then presented to different segments of your audience randomly, and their responses are tracked and analysed to determine which variation generates the most favorable outcomes, such as clicks, conversions, or purchases.

How to use it?

To effectively use A/B testing in your digital marketing strategy, follow these steps:

Identify Your Goal: Clearly define the specific objective you want to achieve with your A/B test. Whether it’s increasing click-through rates, improving conversion rates, or enhancing user engagement, having a clear goal will help you focus your efforts and measure success accurately.

Choose Your Variable: Determine which element of your marketing collateral you want to test. This could include email subject lines, website headlines, product descriptions, images, or even entire landing pages. Select a variable that you believe has the potential to significantly impact your desired outcome.

Create Variations: Develop multiple versions of the chosen element, each with a distinct variation. For example, if you’re testing email subject lines, craft two or more subject lines that convey the same message but use different wording, tone, or length.

Randomise and Segment Your Audience: Randomly divide your target audience into distinct segments or groups, ensuring that each segment is representative of your overall audience demographics. Assign each segment to one of the variations in your test.

Run the Experiment: Deploy your A/B test and monitor the performance of each variation closely. Track relevant metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess which version is achieving your predefined goal most effectively.

Analyse the Results: Once your test reaches statistical significance, analyse the data to determine the winning variation. Look for patterns, trends, and insights that can inform future marketing decisions and optimisations.

Implement Learnings: Incorporate the insights gained from your A/B test into your broader marketing strategy. Apply the winning variation to future campaigns, and use the learnings to refine and improve your overall messaging and user experience.

By leveraging A/B testing effectively, businesses can refine their marketing strategies, enhance customer engagement, and drive meaningful results in a data-driven and systematic manner.

Trusted Optimizely Partners

Propeller is a dedicated Optimizely technology partner, elevating the customer experience by unifying content, commerce, and digital marketing within a sophisticated Digital Experience Platform.

Optimizely is a robust experience optimisation and personalisation platform. Tailored for content managers and marketers, it empowers users to build dynamic experiences based on real-time customer behavioural data and analysis. Digital marketing experimentation is simplified with Optimizely, enabling experimentation, personalisation, and optimisation of digital experiences, fostering customer engagement and driving superior online performance.

Why you should be investing in experimentation in digital marketing

Investing in experimentation in digital marketing is crucial for businesses looking to stay competitive and maximise their online presence. By embracing a culture of experimentation, companies can unlock a multitude of benefits that drive growth, enhance customer engagement, and optimise marketing performance.

Experimentation saves you from making potentially expensive mistakes

One compelling reason to invest in experimentation is its ability to mitigate the risk of costly missteps in your marketing strategy. Through systematic testing and analysis, businesses can evaluate different approaches, messages, and channels before fully committing resources to them. By identifying what resonates best with their audience through experimentation, companies can avoid wasting resources on ineffective campaigns or strategies, ultimately saving time, money and effort.

Experiments accelerate innovation

Experimentation serves as a catalyst for innovation in digital marketing. By continuously testing new ideas, strategies, and technologies, businesses can push the boundaries of creativity and discover innovative solutions to marketing challenges. Experimentation encourages a culture of curiosity and exploration within organisations, fostering a dynamic environment where new concepts are embraced and refined. Through experimentation, businesses can uncover novel approaches that differentiate them from competitors and drive meaningful innovation in their industry.

Understand your target audience

Investing in experimentation enables businesses to gain deeper insights into their target audience’s preferences, behaviours, and motivations. By testing different messaging, offers, and user experiences, companies can uncover valuable data about what resonates most with their audience segments. This understanding allows businesses to tailor their marketing efforts more effectively, delivering personalised experiences that resonate with their audience and drive engagement. Through experimentation, businesses can refine their buyer personas, optimise customer journeys, and cultivate stronger relationships with their target audience, ultimately driving long-term loyalty and retention.

In summary...

This discussion has illuminated the significance of digital marketing experimentation as a pivotal driver of growth, innovation, and success in the ever-evolving landscape of online business. We’ve explored the multifaceted benefits that experimentation brings, from mitigating costly mistakes and accelerating innovation to deepening our understanding of target audiences. Through A/B testing, data-driven optimisation, and a commitment to continuous improvement, businesses can navigate the complexities of digital marketing with confidence and agility. By embracing experimentation as a fundamental principle, organisations can unlock new opportunities, refine their strategies, and forge meaningful connections with their audience, ultimately propelling them towards sustained growth and competitive advantage in the dynamic digital marketplace.

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