11 December 2023

SEO Trends: Ensuring your Content Meets Google’s Standards

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SEO Trends: Ensuring your Content Meets Google’s Standards
Mark LillicrappWritten ByMark Lillicrapp

As Propeller's Technical Director, Mark is responsible for developing digital policy and strategy, implementing infrastructure and leveraging technology to help Propeller and its amazing clients achieve their goals.

Continually evolving and updating, Google has proven itself, at times, difficult to keep up with. As the leading search engine continues to increase its standards when assessing and identifying signals, SEO experts need to stay on top of the changing demands to ensure visibility for their company.

In this article, Propeller explores three SEO trends to help any company meet Google standards:

Establish E-EAT

You might be familiar with the popular acronym of Google of EAT, which stands for “Expertise,” “Authority,” and “Trust.” More recently, this acronym has gotten an additional “E,” making it “E-EAT.” 

The latest “E” stands for “experience”, which means that Google now considers the experience of the author behind published content as a new measure to evaluate its quality. Google wants to see that authors have first-hand and extensive experience related to their chosen topic. 

For more on E-EAT, take a look at our past article here.

Write Content for Your Audience

As SEO content creation has rocketed in popularity, there has become an increased emphasis on audience-targeted content. This means companies or individuals should stick to their areas of expertise rather than writing about completely random subjects that do not relate to their field. 

Google crawlers will assess whether or not a website can rank for specific high-volume keywords, 

In light of this, you won’t experience any ranking success if your content isn’t written for your target audience. If the content of your content strategy has been targeted to boost “search traffic” with little consideration for what your potential target audience might want to know then you are less likely to find success.

Placing people at the heart of your content

You should use different social media platforms to make your target audience aware of the existence of your company and then publish content for them. Ideally, you should publish content that is relevant and leaves the target audience satisfied. 

You should ensure that the content ticks the following boxes:

  • Content is created by real humans
  • Content is suitable for the target audience
  • Content conveys a depth of knowledge about the industry
  • Elevate author experience and authority

With the rise of AI tools, Google has been favouring content that is produced by real people rather than Chat GPT. In light of this, the chances of getting any auto-generated content ranked are relatively low. That said, you will want to boost author experience and authority by showcasing that your content is created by real people writing for real audiences. 

You might want to hire only experts to create content. A great practice would be to include author bios on your website to exhibit that real experts write all published content.