29 May 2024

5 Steps to a Sustainable Content Strategy

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5 Steps to a Sustainable Content Strategy
Annabel GibsonWritten ByAnnabel Gibson

Annabel is the Marketing Coordinator at Propeller, taking on the production of social media communications, creating copy for articles and contacting external agencies for collaborations.

Maintaining a content strategy all year round can be a challenging responsibility. That’s where a sustainable content strategy comes in. This approach is all about creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience, while also being efficient and manageable for your team.

At Propeller, we help businesses build sustainable content strategies that deliver long-term results. In this article, we’ll explore the five key steps to achieving long-term success.

5 Steps to a sustainable content strategy:

1. Define Your Goals

Before diving headfirst into content creation, take a step back and identify your overall objectives. What do you hope to achieve with your content? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Having clear goals will guide your content creation process and help you measure its effectiveness.


2. Build Content Pillars

Content pillars is the foundational support that holds your content infrastructure together. These pillars represent the core topics that align with your brand expertise and audience interests. Examples of content pillars could be “Sustainable Fashion Tips” for an eco-conscious clothing brand or “Social Media Marketing Strategies” for a digital marketing agency.

At Propeller, we have split our content strategy into three core pillars; inspire, connect and prove. Here’s a run-down of what that means for our brand strategy:

  • Inspire: Shows our audience what’s possible and gives them a small win with expert tips. Types of content include long-form written blog posts repurposed across channels, Q&As, video interviews, newsletters, short form social content
  • Connect: Shows the human side of Propeller and what it’s like to work with or for the agency. We share this through written content, videos, photos and graphics.
  • Prove: Showcases Propeller’s expertise. We present this through our fantastic case studies, client testimonials and award wins.

Remember to build evergreen content

Evergreen content production is crucial when building your content pillars. This refers to content that remains relevant and valuable over time, such as “How to Choose the Right Hiking Boots” or “The Ultimate Guide to SEO.”  Having a library of evergreen content ensures a steady flow of traffic and engagement for your brand.

3. Uphold a Consistent Content Schedule

Consistency is key to building a loyal audience. Whether you post daily, weekly, or monthly, establish a publishing schedule that you can realistically maintain. This builds trust and anticipation among your followers.

Another element to consider in your scheduling is the best times to post. Certain days of the week and times will help your content perform better on social platforms. According to Sprout, midweek between Tuesday to Thursday are the best days to post.


4. Develop Audience Profiles

Understanding your target audience is vital for creating content that resonates. Create detailed audience profiles that outline your ideal customer’s demographics, interests, and pain points. This allows you to tailor your content to their specific needs and preferences.


5. Content Audit

Don’t neglect the importance of regularly evaluating your content strategy. Conduct a content audit to assess what’s working and what’s not. Analyse your content’s performance metrics, track audience engagement, and identify any gaps in your content coverage. This continuous improvement process helps you optimise your strategy for maximum impact.

Taking Your Sustainable Content Strategy to the Next Level

Now that you have a solid foundation for your sustainable content strategy, here are some additional tips to maximise its effectiveness:

Repurpose & Repurpose Again: Get the most mileage out of your content by repurposing it across different formats. Turn a blog post into an infographic or social media snippets. Record a podcast episode based on a popular blog topic. Repurposing saves time and resources while extending the reach of your content.

Embrace Automation: Utilise content scheduling tools and social media management platforms to streamline your workflow. This frees up time for focusing on high-value creative tasks.

Content Collaboration: Partner with industry influencers or thought leaders to create co-branded content. This expands your reach and taps into new audiences.

Measure & Analyse: Don’t just create content; actively measure its performance. Use analytics tools to track key metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, and lead generation. This data provides valuable insights to refine your strategy and optimise future content for better results.

Stay Agile & Adaptable: The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Be prepared to adapt your content strategy based on audience feedback, industry trends, and performance data.

By following these steps and continuously refining your approach, you can build a sustainable content strategy that delivers ongoing value for your brand and audience. 


Why a Reactive Content Strategy Doesn’t Always Work

While responding to current trends and events can be a valuable tactic, relying solely on a reactive approach can be unsustainable.  A well-defined content strategy provides a roadmap for your content creation, ensuring consistency and focus on your core goals.

By following these steps, you can build a sustainable content strategy that fuels your brand’s growth and propels you towards long-term success.


In Summary…

Building a sustainable content strategy is a no-brainer for companies looking to create long-term success for their marketing efforts. While reactive content definitely has its place in giving your strategy a competitive boost, it should not be relied upon as a go-to for regular content.

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