Episode 1

Discover how Searcys leverages digital to attract new customers across diverse venues

Episode 1

Anna Fenten, Marketing Director at Searcys

Watch our conversation with Anna to learn:

  • How to productise service offerings and experiences to increase revenue in hospitality
  • The importance of embracing experimentation and new technologies
  • The role of creativity and brand affinity
  • Discover how Searcys leverages digital to attract new customers across diverse venues
Episode 1

Anna Fenten, Marketing Director at Searcys

Who we are
Digital Growth Experts
20 Years in the industry

Driving digitalgrowth forambitious brands

We’re a digital agency delivering stand-out experiences that generate results.


For over 20 years we’ve created digital solutions for brands with high-growth aspirations. Our approach is simple: we delve deep into your customers’ world, use data-driven insights, leverage the latest tech, and deploy best-in-class talent to tackle the challenges that really matter to you.