05 February 2024

Unlocking the Power of Shopify Plus: Your 2024 Guide

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Unlocking the Power of Shopify Plus: Your 2024 Guide
Megan KingWritten ByMegan King

Megan is the Head of Client Services at Propeller. Leading the Account Management team, Megan handles effective and timely communications with clients to ensure great outcomes.

Having just released the latest Shopify Editions: Winter ‘24, there is no time like the present to discuss the possibilities offered by the leading eCommerce platform provider…

Introduction to Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus stands is an enterprise-level solution provided by Shopify, tailored to meet the demands of high-growth businesses and large-scale enterprises. With its plethora of features and scalable infrastructure, Shopify Plus empowers businesses to elevate their online presence and streamline their operations.

What Sets Shopify Plus Apart from Standard Shopify?

Shopify Plus offers advanced functionality and tailored solutions designed specifically for businesses with high-volume sales and complex requirements. It provides access to exclusive features such as dedicated account management, enhanced customisation options, and advanced security measures.

Benefits of Shopify Plus for UK Businesses

Enhanced Customisation Options

Shopify Plus offers unparalleled flexibility in customising the online store to match the brand’s identity and meet specific business needs. From bespoke design elements to personalised customer experiences, Shopify Plus enables businesses to stand out in the competitive digital landscape.

Scalability and Performance

One of the key advantages of Shopify Plus is its ability to scale seamlessly with the growth of the business. Whether experiencing sudden spikes in traffic or expanding into new markets, Shopify Plus provides the infrastructure and support needed to maintain optimal performance and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Advanced Marketing Tools

Shopify Plus equips businesses with advanced marketing tools and analytics capabilities to drive targeted campaigns, optimise conversion rates, and maximize ROI. From automated email marketing to sophisticated segmentation strategies, Shopify Plus empowers businesses to engage customers effectively and drive sales.

Dedicated Support and Account Management

With Shopify Plus, businesses receive dedicated support from a team of experts, including account managers and technical specialists. This personalised assistance ensures that businesses receive timely support, strategic guidance, and proactive solutions to address their unique challenges and opportunities.

What's in Shopify Editions Winter ‘24?

This Edition is all about conversions: from combined listings (enabling vendors to merchandise products in multiple colours under one parent listing) to semantic search.

Checkouts are going to experience brilliant upgrades with the new POS terminal. This will enable store owners to easily capture customer emails through Shop Pay’s extensive buyer network.

The latest edition has so many new features we can’t cover it all here. But be sure to check it out yourself to understand what they’re bringing to the table.

Choosing the Right Shopify Plus Agency

Selecting the right Shopify Plus agency is crucial for maximising the benefits of the platform. It is important to consider the following factors when choosing a Shopify Plus agency:

Understanding Your Business Needs

Prioritise agencies that demonstrate a deep understanding of your industry, target audience, and business goals. Look for agencies that can tailor their services to meet your specific requirements and deliver tangible results.

Evaluating Agency Expertise and Experience

Assess the agency’s expertise in Shopify Plus development, including their proficiency in implementing custom solutions, integrating third-party apps, and optimising performance. Look for agencies with a proven track record of success and a portfolio of high-quality projects.

Reviewing Portfolio and Case Studies

Review the agency’s work to evaluate the quality of their work, the diversity of their clients, and their ability to deliver innovative solutions. Look for agencies that have experience working with businesses similar to yours and achieving measurable results.

Assessing Customer Support and Communication

Choose an agency that prioritises clear communication, responsiveness, and transparency throughout the development process. Ensure that the agency provides ongoing support and maintenance services to address any issues or updates post-launch.

Key Features of Shopify Plus Development

Shopify Plus development encompasses a range of key features and functionalities designed to meet the needs of enterprise-level businesses:

Custom Theme Development

Create visually stunning and highly functional online stores with custom theme development tailored to the brand’s identity and user experience requirements.

App Integration and Customisation

Integrate third-party apps and customise functionalities to enhance the store’s capabilities, streamline operations, and improve the overall customer experience.

Checkout Customisation and Conversion Optimisation

Optimise the checkout process for seamless transactions, reduce cart abandonment rates, and maximise conversion rates through tailored checkout experiences and optimisation strategies.

SEO Optimisation and Marketing Tools Integration

Improve search engine visibility, drive organic traffic, and increase sales with robust SEO optimisation techniques and integration of advanced marketing tools and analytics.

Propeller's work...

Modernising 300 years of tea innovation with Twinings

Twinings were pivoting from the traditional, heritage cuppa brand established in 1787 to a modern, wellbeing-focused tea brand. To reflect their new direction, they came to Propeller for a bespoke Shopify Plus solution which would make the brand shine in a sleek digital space while staying true to their heritage.

Online sales coming up smelling of roses with Boy Smells

Boy Smells came to Propeller ahead of Black Friday, looking for ways in which to improve sales growth during one of the most lucrative sales events of the year.

Bringing interior design’s best-kept secret to new customers with Mylands

For Mylands, an engaging and emotional website on Shopify Plus that could tell a colour story was essential- and that’s where Propeller came in.

Future Trends in Shopify Plus Development

As the eCommerce landscape continues to evolve, several trends are shaping the future of Shopify Plus development:

AI and Machine Learning Integration

Harness the power of AI and machine learning algorithms to automate processes, personalise customer interactions, and optimise sales strategies for enhanced business outcomes.

Personalisation and Customer Experience Enhancement

Focus on delivering personalised shopping experiences tailored to individual preferences, behaviours, and purchase history to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Cross-Channel Integration and Omnichannel Marketing

Integrate multiple sales channels and marketing channels to create a seamless omnichannel experience for customers, enabling businesses to engage with their audience across various touchpoints and drive conversions.

In summary

Shopify Plus offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to scale their eCommerce operations, enhance their online presence, and drive sustainable growth. By leveraging the advanced features, robust infrastructure, and dedicated support offered by Shopify Plus, businesses can unlock new opportunities, stay ahead of the competition, and thrive. 

As the eCommerce industry continues to evolve, embracing Shopify Plus and partnering with the right agency can position businesses for long-term success and continued innovation.


What is Shopify Plus, and how does it differ from standard Shopify?

Shopify Plus is an enterprise-level eCommerce solution with advanced features like customisation, scalability, and dedicated support, tailored for high-growth businesses and enterprises, unlike standard Shopify.

What are some key benefits of Shopify Plus for businesses in the UK?

UK businesses benefit from Shopify Plus’s advanced customisation, scalability, marketing tools, and dedicated support, helping them create unique experiences, scale seamlessly, run targeted campaigns, and receive personalised assistance.

How should businesses choose the right Shopify Plus agency?

Businesses should prioritize agencies understanding their needs, showcasing expertise and experience, offering transparent communication, and providing support. This helps align goals, ensure proficiency, and foster effective collaboration.

What are some key features of Shopify Plus development?

Key features include custom theme development, app integration, checkout optimisation, and SEO/marketing tools integration, enhancing online stores’ visual appeal, functionality, sales, and visibility.

What future trends can businesses expect in Shopify Plus development?

Future trends include AI integration for automation and personalisation, focus on enhancing customer experience, and adoption of omnichannel strategies, helping businesses stay competitive and innovative in eCommerce.

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